Web Application - Operational
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Support Backend
No notices reported this month
This incident has been resolved.
We have applied a short-term fix that should keep everything stable for now, while we continue to work on a long term solution. We will continue to monitor systems closely in the hours to come.
We are experiencing timeouts of web request related to merging duplicate leads. We are working to fix this asap. If you see errors when trying to merge duplicates, please wait until this incident is marked as resolved and then try again.
A crashed web process has been restarted and we increased redundancy on the web-layer. We are currently monitoring all systems and collecting crash data for further investigations.
We are investigating timeouts on the platform.
The broken deploy has been successfully rolled back. The app was down for roughly 5 minutes. Our apologies.
The app just crashed after a deploy of some major upgrades. The deploy hs been rolled back and we expect the app to resurface within minutes.
Jul 2017 to Sep 2017