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Support Backend
Fix deployed and verified in production. We'll keep monitoring, but this incident is being closed.
We are deploying a fix to the memory bloat on the scheduled leads overview page. Once deployed we'll continue to monitor and test this page in production.
We've identified a problem where memory bloat can appear under certain conditions on the scheduled leads overview page. We're now working to reduce the memory bloat and release an optimized version of that page.
We are currently suspecting a memory leak somewhere in the system and we are looking further into that at the moment. We continue to monitor systems close.
We are investigating an unusual pattern in the usage of myphoner that cause long response times and sometimes timeouts for the end users.
This incident has been resolved.
We have scaled out search cluster and things are returning to normal. We will continue to monitor the situation.
We are investigating an issue with our search server that affects search and duplicate detection.
No notices reported this month
Jan 2018 to Mar 2018